Monday, July 6, 2009

Yeah, I guess I'm that conceited to start a blog.

I don't really feel like I have a hobby here. What used to be my hobby, writing, is now pretty much my job. I'm without half of my camera equipment, and my digital got pretty wrecked after I dropped it in the parking lot of the Callie Curling Club in April when going into the Tarred and Feathered show (thanks guys for all your help with carrying my shit.) So, I'm blogging. I don't get to call my family as much as I want to, and I know that they think I'm pretty cool, so I'm sure they will want to read my blog. That's assuming I ever send my father the link to this, I mean... I could, but then I'm sure my mom would freak out because my picture is on the internet (she hasn't left the 90's yet, that idea still terrifies her.)
My new roommate is actually clean. It's scary. Hopefully that will get me in gear, but as of right now, my bedroom is pretty disgusting. It doesn't rain here as much as I thought it would, but I'm sure that will change pretty soon. School wise, the two big projects I'll be starting pretty soon will be a feature length film (fun, right? if I hang myself with my shower curtain, that will probably be the reason), and for TV Spec I decided to test how offensive I could be by writing an episode of the Sarah Silverman Program. My teachers are good, the classes are good, everything's good, so stop asking!
I've recently become addicted to Twitter. I'm following some pretty cool people that couldn't give a shit whether or not I existed. It's pretty cool.
Dear Dad - If you want to know what Twitter is, ask someone else, I'm not prepared to explain it to you, that takes.. thinking.
I wish I had a dog. I miss dogs. I see people walking the cutest dogs all the time on the way to school and it breaks my heart because I'm a selfish bastard and I fucking want one.
There is a coffee shop pretty much every block downtown. I don't drink coffee nearly as much as I used to, which doesn't really make any sense. I haven't even used my coffee pot once yet. I'm starting to worry myself.
I barely pay attention to which bands play here anymore, so I miss a lot of great shows every week. Honestly, I'm way more boring now than I used to be, and I was pretty bad before.
Oh! My friends Kate and Dylan from Australia are likely coming to visit me in the winter! I'm so incredibly stoked for that. It sounds like their idea is pretty legit, so that makes me smile.
This entry is really boring right now, so I'm going to go. Next time something exciting happens, I'll be sure to post it on here. If no one else reads this, at least I know Maddy and Darian will.
PEACE, I'm outtie.

1 comment:

  1. Heeeeyyy !! Welcome to this blogging trip!!! I'll be checking this every once in a while...

    Be sure to check mine:

