So anyways, because I undeleted my last blog, I posted on that blog saying I have a new blog (for some strange reason), SO that blog is the first on my profile, and I can't have that, so I'm making a THIRD post today on this blog. Since I have nothing really else to talk about, I have something to share with you all.

Kyla, I love you, and I'm sorry that we didn't have a dance party at O'hanlons during my last visit. You kept me sane back home and will forever continue to do so. I am visiting again at the end of August for over 10 days. It will be awesome, and we will do all the things I said we would do last time. I'm incredibly sorry that I was annoying and quiet last time. This is a public declaration of my love for you and all of the shenangians we hav

While I'm at it, I found this in my main pictures folder and I thought I would share it with the world. This is the Joey Lawrence background I used for the background of my msn conversations with Mr. Shawn Broombastic. I have a new version of MSN now and I can't figure out how to put backgrounds up, so I am giving it eternal life on the internets. Look at those dreamy eyes and very bald head.
And I was there at that party. I'm sad I missed the prom dresses part. That would have been stellar. Keep it up Amanda.